I often get tired of how my bedroom looks. Granted, anyone would get tired of looking at a perpetually unmade bed and piles of clothes strewn over my desk chair. But, I found some tips on Apartment Therapy that I thought were worth sharing and might motivate me to do something about my bedroom situation.
1. Keep your nightstand clutter free.
2. Make the bed as soon as you get up.
3. Buy flowers weekly
4. Keep storage under the bed at a minimum...or at least keep it organized.
5. Change sheets weekly
6. Get rid of the TV
7. Add a rug
8. Light some candles
9. Use a decorative water bottle
10. Don't let the clothes pile up!
I love that these tips don't require a complete bedroom overhaul, but instead offer quick fixes that make a big impact. Unfortunately, now I'm on the hunt for some new sheets and a rug...to add to my quest for a bed-skirt and headboard. Do the lists ever end?
GREAT advice especially the flowers weekly. Flowers just brighten everything.