
Midnight in Paris

I finally saw Midnight in Paris and I don't want to give away too much, but i'd say it's definitely worth seeing.  Before I saw it, I had pretty low expectations.  I wanted to see the movie that everyone was talking about, but also was prepared to be sorely disappointed if it turned out to be a predictable rom-com with some pretty scenery and cliched vignettes of the City of Lights.  However, it's a rare treat to leave a movie feeling inspired and thoughtful, and Midnight in Paris achieves just that.  I must also confess that  I'm a sucker for the "lost generation" with Matisse being one of my favorite artists and Fitzgerald my favorite author...so take that for what you will.  What do you think...did you see it and love it or are you going to skip this recent Woody Allen flick?

Plus, see what fall movies Jo from a Cup of Jo is looking forward to this fall.


Of a Kind

I have a new favorite website...which might not be saying a lot coming from a person who has a new favorite site everyday...but seriously Of a Kind is A-W-E-S-O-M-E.  It's now my go-to place to discover new designers, and get up to date news of what's going on in the fashion industry.  Whether you are a hardcore shopper, or a blogger seeking inspiration from unheard of talent, this site has got something for everyone.  So, check it out and let me know what you think!


Look for Less

With summer officially upon us, I've been inspired by these lovely ladies when it comes to how to style shorts.  From casual to edgy, to work appropriate, these gals know how to rock 'em.  Plus, if you don't already have some shorts in tow for this summer...fear no more, here are my favorite thrifty finds from GAP, Asos, and Topshop.

Image credits from top left moving clockwise 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


5 Steals and a Splurge

Happiest of Mondays, dear readers!  I hope you were able to find some rest and relaxation over the quick weekend...can you believe we are almost in July??  I spent Saturday at the Treasure Island Flea market (check photos here) and absolutely LOVED it!  I highly recommend it, especially to you Alameda junkies...this place is pure magic.  Sunday was super relaxing and I was able to get caught up on a few things and get organized for the week ahead.  Today's guest post is from the incredible Jennifer from I ART U...my go to blog for all things design related (not to mention, J is a FABULOUS photographer, and always has the prettiest images on her blog).  Her 5 steals and a splurge are no disappointment, per usual, I want everything she picked out!
Hi! I'm Jennifer from I ART U and I'm embracing summer to the max! Who's with me?! Here are my picks for five summer steals and a splurge. Thanks for having me KC!
1 With all the beach time, soap is a necessity. Good-smelling, handmade soap that is! Soap Sample Set of 6 by Morning Calm, $4
2 Boxed Water? No words necessary. Boxed Water is Better, click here to find a box.
3 With more free time on hand, I'm thinking handwritten letters and mini packages for friends is a must. Midori Kraft Envelopes-pack of six, $8 
4 Cool down with a gelato popsicle! Bar Gelato, find yours here.
5 Calm those sun-kissed lips with some from-the-earth lip balm. Delightful and soothing.  Organic Lip Balms-4 tubes, $22
And what's a little thrifty shopping without a splurge? I love this Asos Premium Leather Color-Block Shopper, $129

Bring it on, summertime! -J.


Let's hear it for the boys

Image 1, 2
It's no secret every girl loves a good sale.  But guys?  Another story.  I know the longer my bf has to rummage through racks, the more beer will be consumed at the end of the day.  So, what's a guy got to do to scoop up some deals?  Head to your local premium outlets, with one thing on your mind: accessories.  They make an outfit instantly look put together, and if you buy quality, timeless pieces (within your budget), it's a sure fire way to at least look like you know what you're doing when you get dressed in the morning.  Premium outlets can be a total cluster, but it's a great way to buy designer duds that would otherwise be totally unattainable.  Plus, with accessories, there are no long lines for the dressing room, and not much browsing.  You're in and out...just in time to grab 1 beer...ok, maybe 2.



Short but sweet post today, plus it's been awhile since I shared some of my favorite pieces over at the always awesome 20X200.  You know the drill.  $20 for a limited edition print.  Don't mind if I do.

Want more eye candy?  Check it.

1. Icon by Michelle Muldrow
2. Radar by Aili Schmeltz
3. Well-being 1 by Valerie Roybal



When I read this article on Apartment Therapy, something clicked in my mind.  The light bulb went off and I instantly knew all the secrets of the universe (ok, maybe not the universe, but I swear angels were singing). The ultimate secret I learned? Spacing.  One word unlocked all the mystique around what makes a great looking room look great.  Kind of a no brainer, I know, but seriously these tips will change your life.  So take a look at my favorite tips below and re-examine the photos above...I swear, the angels will be singing. 

Dining Room (image 1)
-Area rug and dining table- A rug should span about 36" wider on all sides of the table to allow chairs to pull out easily without catching
-Space between dining chairs: Ideally provide about 24" between chairs to prevent hitting elbows and to allow people to slide chairs in and out without any collisions or bruised knuckles. 

Living Room (image 2)
-Distance between a sofa and coffee table: Allow around 18" between the table and sofa edge to give enough leg room but to be able to set down drinks or reach appetizers without straining. Coffee table heights vary greatly, but a good rule is to keep the table height and seat height within 4 inches of each other.
-Distance between seating furniture: Aim to provide between 3.5' and 10' between seating options to help conversation flow without crowding a room.
-Area rugs and furniture: Too often area rugs end up feeling like bath mats. To keep your area rug from feeling random, at least the front two legs of a sofa or chair should rest on the rug.
-Side table and sofa height: In general, an end table should be approximately the same height as the arm of your sofa or chair. This allows guests to set down or reach for drinks without straining, and it also lends a more cohesive feel to the room. (image 3)


5 Steals and a Splurge

It's time for a re-do.  It's my blog and I'll do what I want to...While I still stand by my original 5 steals and a splurge, after seeing all of these fabulous ladies share their ideas, I want a re-do.  So people, here you have it, my new and improved 5 steals and a splurge (and not to worry, regular scheduled programing with other bloggers will resume next week).
1. Strings of lights- Not only for Christmastime anymore.  White lights year round make everyday merry and bright.
2. Sparkling water- For whatever reason, I always feel more fancy drinking sparkling water rather than still water.  I don't like soda, so this is my favorite refreshment for hot summer days.
3. Maxi dresses- Perfect for day or night, warm or cool.  Pair it with boots or sandals, add a scarf or an arm full of bangles, this is the most versatile thing I own.
4. Mason jars- Fill em with grains, flowers, or votives, they make any display seem unexpectedly special.
5. American Apparel clutch- While I would love a Clare Vivier clutch, this waaaay more affordable substitute will totally do the trick.  Plus, they come in a whole plethora of colors.
SLURGE: Lo and Sons O.G. bag-  I've been on the hunt for a versatile school bag for this fall.  I'm predicting extra long hours ahead spending days at a time on campus, and I need a bag that will not only carry my books, but also pack the rest of my life with me.



After an inspiring dinner with the wonderful Mackenzie from Design Darling, I've decided to start a Tumblr!  It's rather bare bones for now, but I'll be updating it all day, so feel free to check it out throughout the day for a pick me up!  Check out the About page on the site if you are curious why I am trying out this "new" form of blogging.  I'm still working on the LA Hotspot segment and will hopefully have it up and running soon.  For now, expect Thrifty Gal posts a little less frequently, but full of amazing content.  Isn't growing and changing exciting? Let me know what you think of the tumblr!


Bad Blogger

I've been neglecting this little blog a bit more than I was anticipating when I started this whole freelance lifestyle back in May.  As summer rapidly zooms by me, I've decided to take advantage of this great opportunity to enjoy my summer, figure out what I want to get out of grad school, and begin this great adventure!  Blog posts will be fewer and more far between, but I will still be updating my twitter and pinterest like a fiend, providing content on design, interiors, fashion, and entrepreneurship. I'm still deciding if I want to maintain my blog while in school, and would love to hear your thoughts on whether or not it is feasible to keep up with school, work, homework, and blogging.  Any other suggestions besides blogging? (I can't just quit cold turkey!!) Maybe tumblr?  Would love to hear your thoughts!
Image via Pinterest


LA Hotspots

I'm back from an awesome trip to LA, and totally inspired about checking out new and exciting things to do in the City of Angels.  (If you are curious where we went and what we did, check my twitter for some ridiculous pics.)  All morning I've been compiling lists and lists of the best places to shop, eat, and chill in the LA area from my favorite LA based bloggers: Emily, Bri, Joy, and Jessie.  Sometime on Friday I'll be launching the new page with all kinds of exciting links and maps, so you can find just what you want to do in just the right 'hood.  Fill me in on your favorite LA places to be in included as well!
Image via My Cup of Te


Road Trip

Found on: Patterson Maker
Kelley and I are leaving LA and driving back to the Bay Area tonight.  Sorry for the lack of posting, but I was completely preoccupied last night watching this.  If you haven't read the book, walk, don't run, to your nearest bookstore.  Seriously, it's my favorite book ever, and the mini series was pretty close to pitch perfect


5 Steals and a Splurge

Happy Monday!  Kelley and I decided to take an impromptu trip to LA to celebrate a friend's birthday, visit my bf, and get some LA sun!  We hiked up near the Hollywood sign yesterday, and have big plans to lounge at the beach today (and of course get some work done).  Today's guest post is from Tamuna of her lovely blog, A Journey to Style.  I love the images Tamuna uses, especially her mood boards and Tuesday Travels that always transport me to a far off land. 
Hi there lovely Urban Gals, it's Tamuna from A Journey to Style  and I'm going to share my 5 Steals and a Splurge summer essentials with you.
#1 - MAC Lipstick in Hue $14.50 - I love wearing nude shades of lipstick in summer and this MAC liptsick is a staple for me.
#2 - The Body Shop Bronzing Powder $18.50 - This is an amazing bronzer for a great price.  I use it all year round and have repurchased it many times.  A bit of bronzer is a great way to add some tan and glow to the face without having to spend hours out in the Sun.
#3 - Zara Layered Cotton Dress $39.90 - Cotton dresses are essential for me in summer - they're easy to throw on and feel feminine and lightweight.  I also like to style them with a simple brown leather belt to accentuate the waist.
#4 - Netflix Movies $7.99 - $20 - I look forward to weekend movie nights with my fiance -it's a great way to rewind after a long day at work.
#5 - Fiji Water - $2.50 - $4 - I love drinking water, but I especially love Fiji water. I take a one liter bottle to work and drink it throughout the day.
#6 - Ivanka Trump Sandals $99-$69 - For my splurge item I chose these gorgeous sandals - I've been looking for the perfect pair of summer sandals for a while and I found them! I think they're gorgeous and versatile enough to pair with weekend clothes and also wear them to work.


I'm Boring

1. The Perfect Pear 2. sfgirlbybay tumblr 3. Zara
I'm feeling really tired and lame right now...so not much creativity for today's post (I'm writing this actually Thursday night since I have to take my car into the shop early tomorrow morning).  Instead of creating some cool layout (ok, actually my layouts aren't that cool, but I like to pretend they are, so just go with it), I thought I'd post a few pics that are inspiring me these days, introduce some cool new links to you, and call it a week.  
I can't stop using this iPhone app
My new favorite tumblr
My new favorite beauty site
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous


Think outside of the nightstand

Ok...I admit.  Totally lame title.  It's true.  I wanted to combine "think outside of the box" with nightstand...and this is what I came up with.  Creative, I know.  Anyways, sometimes a thrifty gal, or guy has to improvise when it comes to nightstands.  I have one, and it's more of a side table than a nightstand.  With that top image as my source of inspiration, here is what I came up with as suitable substitutes for a nightstand (check the sources of the images below, but I encourage you to peep your local flea market or craigslist for some real steals).
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , top image from Rue Mag found on Coco + Kelley


summer lovin

After reading Emily's post here about her list of things to do this summer, I knew I had to make my own.  Already this summer seems to be zooming by, and I want to make sure that I live it up before school starts in the fall.

1.  Take a road trip to LA
2.  Climb Half Dome
3.  Summer reading list: Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki, Just Kids by Patti Smith, An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin, The Paris Wife by Paula McLain
4.  Trips to Portland, Chicago, Hawaii
5.  Go to House of Air
6.  Take golf lessons
7.  Run a 10k
8.  Learn better Photoshop skills

What's on your summer to do list??


Let's hear it for the boys

We all know that a classic chambray shirt is a staple in every woman's wardrobe, but what about for dudes?  I'd say it's more than a staple, it's a necessity.  Practically every men's line offers some version of the classic oxford, it's appropriate for any season or occasion, and is as comfortable as your favorite hoodie.  These two dudes know how to rock the look, one for work and one for the weekend.  Just don't pair it with jeans...even the coolest of cool can barely pull off denim on denim.

Image 1 via Today's Tie 2 via Pinterest


5 Steals and a Splurge

Happy Monday!  Hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are ready for the week ahead.  Today's guest post is from Tobe of the blog Because It's Awesome.  I love Tobe's blog for her great curation of interior images and graphic design.
Hello! Tobe here from Because It's Awesome, thrilled that KC is having me here to share my 5 steals and a splurge. I'm a sucker for home decor and fashion accessories, so I've pulled together some of my current faves. Enjoy!
1 West Elm Porcelain Soapdish :: For a mere $6, this dish is a great way to add a hit of pattern to your bathroom, or any other space in the house. As a chronic collector, I've learned that trays have a way of making even the most random of collectibles look intentional.

2 Kate Spade Gumdrop Studs :: My closet tends to be heavy on the neutrals, so I add a huge hit of color to my outfit with a pair of these $38 beauties. Also among my favorites are the pink and black varieties.

3 Forever21 Wild Side Bangles :: Tried and true, animal prints will always be a classic. If you're scared to invest, these bangles are a safe bet at less than $7.

4 Gladiator Brass Ankle Chain :: I couldn't get over these shoe harnesses when I first came across them. Talk about an amazing way to add instant style and edge to your favorite heels! An inexpensive game-changer for only $43.

5 Scotch Naturals Polish :: What's there to say? A $15 pop of color on the nails feels feminine and can pack a real punch. This shade of magenta is bold and bright, and suitable for any season.

the Splurge :: Jayson Home and Garden Sheesha Pillows :: These have been on my list for quite some time. At $250 and $395, they might never make it to my home, but a girl can sure dream.



Last night I had the pleasure of attending the launch party at ZAZA nail spa for Indeeyo, a new online clothing boutique featuring independent designers of clothing and accessories.  The site takes the endless searching out of more overwhelming sites like Etsy, as the founders take careful consideration in curating their merchandise, while still providing unique pieces.  The lovely Jeanne of Shop Sweet Things invited me to the event, and to be quite honest, I didn't really know what to expect.  My usual partner in crime, Kelley L Cox, attended the event with me (and took all the photos you see above), and we had a blast.  I mean, who could say no to a goodie bag, discounted designer duds, a free manicure, and free cakepops and champers?  I'd say a job well done, and after meeting the sweet and humble founder, Jasmin (on the right in the top photo), I have high hopes for this new site.  I was also fortunate enough to meet Bryna Nicole (on the left in the top photo)who was there  promoting her line of handbags which are also featured on Indeeyo.  Not only is she a UCLA alum (go Bruins!) but also started her successful label from scratch and was super inspiring to talk to about starting a fashion brand.  All in all, it was a successful night, and I totally encourage you to check out Indeeyo!


Black and White

Just a quick post today as the next few days are going to be HECTIC!  I'm heading to a launch party tonight for Indeeyo, an awesome new online clothing boutique featuring indie designers. The site is amazingly curated, so you don't have to spend endless hours searching for that perfect and unique piece.  I'll be sure to give a full report after the event!  These two images totally stand out to me.  It's no secret I'm a sucker for neutrals, and black and white are some of my favorites.  But I find it's often hard to pull off combining the two without someone asking you to refill their water (if you know what I mean).  Thankfully, a cheeky shoe, or a arm full of bangles add some spice to the ensamble, while your timeless black and white shine.  I'd splurge on the basics, and hit up Forever 21 for some bangles, and Aldo for thrifty shoe.

Image 1 via Glitter Guide 2 via Young and Reckless


5 Steals and a Splurge

(Thought I would share this post that was meant to go live on Monday, while I get my life in gear after my loooong weekend.  Plus, late is better than never, right?)  Happy Memorial Day!  I had a rockin' time in San Diego with my bf and old college friends.  Today's 5 Steals and a Splurge is from the oh so lovely Mackenzie from Design Darling.  Mackenzie's blog features bright and cheery interiors, and my favorite feature:  101 in 1,001 days.  You should totally check it out and make your own list!
Hi there! I'm Mackenzie from Design Darling and I'm excited to share my five steals and a splurge with you all today. 
1. First up is this Paper Source address book ($31). One of the goals on my 101 in 1001 list is to start an address book for all my family and friends. Especially since I just graduated from college and my friends are now dispersed all over the country, I think this would be a fantastic purchase!

2. I love these Sweet Lulu party favor boxes ($8 for four). Obviously they're intended for a children's party but I think they're perfect for a summer garden party as well.

3. These Forever 21 platform wedges ($23) are a major steal. The wood wedge is a trend I can totally get behind and the navy color is an unexpected alternative to black or tan. Plus the price can't be beat! 

4. I swear I'd wear these Loren Hope earrings ($40) every day year-round. Loren is one of my blog sponsors, the biggest sweetheart, and an extremely talented designer to boot! I literally want everything in her summer collection.

5. This Janet Hill print ($26) is pretty, sparkly, and affordable. That's what we call a win-win-win :)

6. This Rebecca Minkoff jacket ($325) is definitely splurge-worthy. It flew off the virtual shelves at Shopbop and I can totally see why! Its punchy color and tailored silhouette make it the perfect topper for your summer sundress.

Thank you so much for having me, KC!


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